Friday, May 31, 2019
Writing Style of Notes to a Native Son Essay -- James Baldwin
Thoughts of a Man Life is a great tapestry of events and emotions that wholeness feels and/or experiences on a daily basis. No day plays out the same way and no two people experience the same things. Certainly one can say that life is jumpy, if not completely unpredictable. In order to explain life or the things that go on in life, one moldiness be able to communicate on not only a narrative level, but also an analytical level. Any great writer essential possess the skill to in full and completely portray a feeling or idea. James Baldwin, an African-American writer born in Harlem in 1924, fully possessed this special great power. Baldwin is considered to be one of the best striveists of the twentieth century and wrote during a time of great racial injustice. One of his greatest assets was his uncanny ability to intertwine narrative and analysis throughout the course of his essays. In his famous essay, Notes of a Native Son, or Notes for short, Baldwin shows some of his best work in this port of writing. In Notes, Baldwin performs a masterful job of weaving analytical thought into specific events from his life or the public life around him. This style allows the reader to better understand the thoughts of a very intelligent, educated, and opinionated man who lived during a very difficult time in American history. At firstborn glance, Notes may seem to be a simple story about Baldwins father and the strained relationships that Baldwin and his siblings had with their father. But at a closer look, the essay serves a deeper purpose than initially expected, which can be seen in an analysis of Baldwins writing style. Baldwin uses a writing style that moves from story to analysis in order to paint a very specif... ...eeded the guidance that sometimes only a father can give. This is an interesting idea and this tying up of calorie-free ends is a powerful example of how Baldwin constructed and framed his essays. His style we nt from a specific example to a general feeling of some deeper meaning than the story or example alone could portray. The transitions from narrative to analysis that he used were logical and flowed well. As a reader, it was difficult to actually pick out the change without conservatively reading and analyzing the essay as one reads it. This style, which really is more like a gift, paints a very vivid picture for the reader and places Baldwin among the best essayists of the twentieth century.Works CitedBaldwin, James. Notes of a Native Son. 1955. James Baldwin Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York, New York, Library of America, 1998. 63-84.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Are Group Rights Justified? :: essays research papers fc
Are differentiating measures justified in the name of a group undecomposed or veilest or should they be condemned as violating the rights of individuals to equal treatment?It has been argued that differentiating measures that grant rights exclusively to groups are unjust as they trespass on the individuals fundamental right to equal treatment. This turn out seeks to prove that when applied in a fair manner group rights can enhance the equality of treatment received by the individual.The notion that equal treatment is of vital importance and that discrimination is immoral is widespread. The interpretation of equal treatment and discrimination however, is not . For some, equal treatment implies that each individual depart be treated in the exact manner all other individuals are treated. There should be no distinction made between race, sex, morality or language in order to allow individuals receive preferential treatment because of their membership of a certain group. Others arg ue that if each person is devoted exactly the same rights regardless of race, sex, religion or language then members of minorities are put at a disadvantage and equal treatment is impossible.In order to justify the entitlement of certain groups to exclusive rights it is important to define what the exclusive rights are. According to Baker these rights can be divided into two groups, those pertaining to intra-groups relations and those pertaining to inter group rights. The first type of rights involves relationships between group members and whitethorn lead to individual oppression. For example if a particular religious group were given the right to legally prohibit marriages of its members to non-members this would be unjust. Individual freedom, in such a case, would be subverted for the sake of solidarity. Intra groups rights can be very treacherous to individual rights peculiarly in theocratic and patriarchal cultures where there is a huge danger that women will be oppressed . H aving established that intra-groups are potentially subversive and wherefore undesirables the remainder of this essay will deal with inter group rights. Inter-group rights pertain to relationships between different groups. Inter-groups rights can, therefore, only exist in a pluralist state. Such preferential treatment seeks to protect a minority group against the larger society. The belief is that these rights will rule out the unfair advantage members of the majority group may have over members of the minority and will prevent marginilisation and segregation of the minority . These special rights can take various forms.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Canadian Governing System is not Fair or Democratic Essay -- essay
There are Canadian citizens who thought that the Canadian authorities we have is perfect, citizens who believed that every aspect of the establishment was truly democratic, and citizens who believe that government could do no wrong. Truly this group of believers has been living a lie. In our Canadian system of government, large aspects within are far from democratic and conduct to be changed. Liberal-minded people will cry out for a change in order for government to dish the people better, and on the other hand the more conservative thinkers will argue that no change is needed because our government is efficient and considerate. However, our voting system, our Senate, and the power vested to the Prime Minister are far from democratic, do not meet the actual needs of the people and definitely need to be addressed. Canada itself claims to be democratic, yet the Canadian Senate is appointed to office by the current Prime Minister rather than elected by the citizens. The original dr aw a bead on of the Senate was to give fair representation between provinces and to the citizens. Having failed its purpose, clearly there are issues within the Senate that need to be addressed. Because of the Prime Minister appointing the Senators, they will now serve the Prime Ministers needs rather than the people who they should have been listening to. As if this were not enough of a show of power for the Prime Minister, the Senators cannot be de jure kicked out of office until the age of seventy-five. An example of Senate idiosyncrasy in Canadian government is Ross Fitzpatrick, who was appointed to office by former Prime Minister dungaree Chretien of the Liberals in June 1990. His official opponent, Preston Manning, rightfully questioned the circumstances regardin... ...e a lot of parties are going to be running for office. However, for the fringe parties this creates a study advantage for them. With the institutionalise of political parties in the House of Commons, there would be a wider range of interests for people but there would be a lot of indecision and coalitions.It is raw hard fact that Canadian government is not entirely democratic. The question remains of how to deal with this. Canadian government, as effective as it currently is, has major factors in their system that have a negative effect on Canadians. Our current voting system favors the higher-populated provinces and creates a tyranny of the majority. Our Senate is distinctly undemocratic as it is an assigned position. Our head of State, the Prime Minister, holds too much power. Unless we resolve these issues, our government will remain far from a perfect governing system.
shadow of a doubt Essay examples -- essays research papers
Charlie-HorseIn Shadow of a Doubt, Hitchcock utilizes and stretches the ambiguous line between drollery and suspense by utilizing small(a)er characters in the film to keep the story line moving, and to help break sequence or rhythm of what the au become flatnce had been perceiving at the time. Many of the minor characters were used as fillers, such as the waitress in the bar when Uncle Charlie and Charlie are sitting in the bar, and makes the comment I would die for a ring like this or the quiet, gentle neighbor Herb who is fascinated with the process of homicide and murder. It brings to the audience an immediate comic relief, but similar to all of Hitchcock, leaves an unsettling aromaing of fear and suspense with the viewer. Shadow of a Doubt is a film that hits very close to home for me, primarily because of the small town feel very similar to Orono that I have grown to know so well. There is a brutal irony that lurks through the film, especially during the time menstruation tha t the film was made. The picturesque stereotype of small town life in the 40s is brutally torn apart by Hitchcock wit and fictive ingnue, putting the viewer in an uncomfortable mind stretch of reality.The first instance of ambiguity between comedy/drama begins directly at the ascendent credits of the film, with the brilliant shot of a uniform waltzing party, in carousel motion, or a perfect circle. From my perspective, I was unable to recognize w...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Free Essays on Crime and Punishment - Suffering, Death, and Resurrectio
Crime and Punishment - Suffering, Death, and Resurrection Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote the novel, Crime and Punishment, during a turbulent time in Russian history. Yet his control will speaks to any age. Dostoevsky wrote to warn against what he considered the negative effects of the trend of nihilism and rational egoism. He advances this objective by employing basiss of suffering, resurrection, and death--all of these currents running through a surprisingly benevolent universe. If Dostoevskys fellow Russian Marx was correct in stating that religion is the opiate of the people, then suffering is the proverbial needle that injects it into a person. Suffering is the dominant theme of this work. It twists and contorts itself into so many aspects of the story, that any other classification of it would simply not do it justice. Immediately following Raskolnikovs crime, he begins to suffer. The inadvertent death of Lizaveta is a crushing blow to his conscience. Dostoevsky is conveying his me ssage a wanton act will lead to a deluge of suffering. A theory is no protection fro...
Free Essays on Crime and Punishment - Suffering, Death, and Resurrectio
Crime and Punishment - Suffering, Death, and Resurrection Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote the novel, Crime and Punishment, during a turbulent time in Russian history. provided his work will speaks to any age. Dostoevsky wrote to warn against what he considered the negative effects of the trend of nihilism and rational egoism. He advances this objective by employing themes of suffering, resurrection, and death--all of these currents running by means of a surprisingly benevolent universe. If Dostoevskys fellow Russian Marx was correct in stating that religion is the opiate of the people, then suffering is the proverbial needle that injects it into a person. Suffering is the prevalent theme of this work. It twists and contorts itself into so many aspects of the story, that any other classification of it would simply not do it justice. Immediately following Raskolnikovs crime, he begins to suffer. The inadvertent death of Lizaveta is a crushing blow to his conscience. Dostoevsky is conveying his message a wanton act will lead to a deluge of suffering. A theory is no justification fro...
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Place I Have Visited for Holiday
The Place I Have Visited For Holiday Last Chinese new-fangled Year would be my first one week break after entering the life of a college student. It was such a pleasant relieve because I do not think I could take another pressure after my mid-term examination. My friends from other colleges were also having their break from college so all of us intractable to go for a short trip to Pulau Pinang. There were a total of nine people including myself. Originally, we planned to take the cook to Pulau Pinang but they were out of tickets payable to the festive celebration.So we took the bus instead. On our way there, the bus made a pit stop at Tapah. Most of my friends went down because it was just so tatty on the bus but I decided to stay in. As the bus started to continue the journey to Pulau Pinang, I realised that my friends were not on the bus. And past I received a phone call from one of my friends saying that they were left behind. I quickly went to the driver to ask him to pull over so that my friends could catch up and get on the bus. Luckily, they were not too far behind.The journey took about six hours due to heavy rain. We reached Butterworth at around dawn. later on that, we had to take the ferry to cross over to other side to get to Batu Ferringhi, Pulau Pinang. We were all really excited to finally arrive in Pulau Pinang but fatigued at the same time because of the long journey. So we decided to straightaway go to the guest house and check in. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting some rest before heading out to the beach which is just in front of the place we were staying at.After enjoying the view and playing some volleyball at the beach, we went for dinner at Gurney Drive. There was a wide variety of food to choose from. Each and every one of us bought different kinds of food because we exchange with each other and taste them. The food there was very delicious and tasty. We even took away some, in case we get hungry later. then all of us went for a walk at the Ferringhi Night Market. There were so many tourists walking around too. We stopped by Sixty cabaret Mansion to have some drinks before we head back to our guest house.The next day we checked out around noon and we took a train back home. We reached Kuala Lumpur safely later that night. In conclusion of our short trip to Pulau Pinang, it was truly a memorable experience. Pulau Pinang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Malaysia. Pulau Pinang is also an exciting place to visit because it has so many attractions to offer. There are so many things to see and so many other things to do. completely in all, Pulau Pinang is surely an amazing place to go for a short trip or vacation.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Characteristics of at-Risk Students (Aed201)
School Program for At-Risk Students In the United States more students give many problems or terrible conditions in their lives at home, school and in life in general. These problems and conditions can affect students tremendously when it comes to schoolwork or academic victor. Many schools nationwide have set up programmes or assistance to help these students succeed despite the problem or condition being faced. not all students may encounter a problem or condition, but some encounter multiple problems.The types of problems and conditions include changing families, poverty, violence, abuse of alcohol and/or drugs, suicide, and child abuse (Axia College, 2005). These are serious problems that many students face in todays world, which can gravely affect academic success. Students who face i or more of these problems is said to be at-risk for academic failure (Axia College, 2005). The characteristics of students centerd at-risk are a low SES, inner city, male, transient, minorit y, non-native English speaker, and divorced families (Axia College, 2005).The only style a school, regularize, or state can do something about the at-risk students is to assist the needs of these students as much as possible. Many schools, districts, and states have set up special programs for at-risk students, including anything from afterschool programs to housing assistance. Usually the programs assist one of the characteristics of at-risk students to assist these students for their particular problem. The Phillipsburg school district of New Jersey has taken the issue of at-risk students very seriously by setting up an afterschool program to assist students facing the problem of low SES (socioeconomic status).Students who come from a low SES family face issues that interfere with academic success, such(prenominal) as low income families, lack of parental involvement, low exposure to school-related experiences, and so on (Axia College, 2005). The Phillipsburg school district has incorporated a program called jejuneness focalise to assist the students who face these challenges. The Youth Center program is offered to all students, whether from low SES or high SES families. As soon as school ends, the students can come along a free bus that transports them directly to the Phillipsburg school district jejuneness center.The youth center contains a gym, field, classrooms, tutors, assistants, and anything else needed for the program. Students are offered tutoring services, homework help, administer recreation, supervised educational activities, and volunteer opportunities (Wyant, 2010). This program is free of charge and is offered after school of every full day of school. Students arrive immediately after school to the youth center and are allowed to stay there until 6pm. The Youth Center program should be viewed as an exemplary and beneficial program to all.This program is exemplary because it offers many options for students and parents as well. The latch key students have a place to go instead of sitting at home alone waiting for a parent to arrive. The wide arena of activities offered is exemplary because it attracts many different types of students to participate. Offering the program at no cost and no cost transportation is also exemplary and beneficial because these students typically come from low income families that would never be able to afford such a program elsewhere.The benefits of the program go beyond giving the students a place to go free of charge. The academic benefit of this program is exemplary because the students have the access to tutors and homework helpers. Students who have attended this program for one year showed an value in school by seventy five percent, which is very good (Wyant, 2010). Since the program was established in the Phillipsburg school district, the academic achievement test tons have risen respectfully. Ensuring the youth center program reaches all targeted students and meet the students n eeds is crucial for this school district.All students and parents are aware of the existence of this program and are often encouraged to join. The statistics have shown how students academically progress after joining the program, which is attractive to other students found in the same situation. The school district is even considering an expansion to the program by adding counselors to assist students emotional needs (Wyant, 2010). Many schools, districts, and states are doing everything possible to assist students who are considered at-risk. The Phillipsburg school district has had success with the youth center afterschool program to assist low SES students.There are many programs available to students who are at-risk, but maintaining and improving these programs is essential to success. Students do not have to face the challenges of being at-risk alone anymore. References Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2005). Changes in American Society. Retrieved April 30, 2010, from Ax ia College, Week Three reading, aXcess, AED201Teaching as a Profession Course Web site. Wyant, H. (2010). Joseph H. Firth Youth Center. Retrieved April 30, 2010, from http//www. phillipsburgnj. org/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=42&Itemid=53 FOR AXIA COLLEGE AED201 RECEIVED A on this paper.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Bei Dao’s poem “Recollection” Analysis
I will be using Bei Daos poem Recollection to lay d experience how his intent of tomography and writing style can give a simple poem written during a time of political turmoil in mainland China during the 1970s can have so much more in depth meaning as well as how his poetry baffles critics. The title of the poem, Recollection, suggests to readers an act of memorialisation or reminiscence of something, some one, or a sequence of events that Bei Dao wants/hopes to elaborate and tell his readers about.Here, the title of the poem does non indicate a simple reminiscence, but inspection and repair a far deeper meaning and purpose as well as a grasp of experience. One is unable to analyze and under subscribe exactly wherefore Bei Dao uses Recollection as a title, as the title acts as a form of teasing and attraction for the reader to follow through and read the powerful spoken communication which atomic number 18 written down word for word hear and visualize the imaginativeness t hat is created within.As one reads through the poem word for word, Bei Daos use of imagery is instantly caught, as the poem is based solely on the imagery of visualization and sound. Candle prosperous / flickers on each face / leaving non a trace / the shadows spray / strikes the white wall lightly. Throughout these five lines in the poem, each line contains at least on word that accentuates and gives readers an image, i. e. light, flickers, trace, spray, strikes, white. Here, the imagery of visualization Bei Dao creates for his readers leaves them pondering about in a unrealistic state of mind, where readers are able to understand that Bei Dao is using his imagination to portray a deeper message perhaps.The visual imagery here can be confiscated in with the title as the visual images are pleasant, which hints the recollection of a pleasant and pure spectator that which the poet himself has encountered with different people (faces) on several occasions, although these people se em not to leave a trace which hints the numerous amounts of people the poet might have encountered with to emphasize his connection with all those he has come into contact with.Read also Critical appreciation of the poem Old Ladies Home.As Recollection was written during a time of change and revolution, along with our understanding of how Bei Dao opposed the Maoist society, the first five lines use of unrealistic/imaginative imagery along with how these five lines tie in with the title, can suggest the numerous amounts of people who felt the same way about the changing society of China.Thus, the use of the unrealistic/imaginative linguistic communication creating this visual imagery is not stating that these encounters are in the poets head, but were most and very possibly true events the people whom the poet has come into contact with are those who are true people, people who are unable to be contained and still have their own free thoughts, feelings as well as emotions the unrea listic and imaginative demote being the Chinese government that was reshaping and reforming its people in hope that all would think like a Maoist where freedom of thought, speech, etceterawas suppressed.Here, the poet, Bei Dao is simply arguing that stifling of thought, speech, freedom, etc are unrealistic achievements that the government is pressing for, for they will never succeed. Directly following the use of visual imagery, after the fifth line in the poem, one might notice how the imagery and tone, shifts in a very smooth, eloquent, and contained matter. the guitar hanging from the wall / begins to sound in the darkness / like the masthead light reflected in water / stealing whispers.Like the first five lines previously discussed, the use of imagery is crucial, however instead of using just visual imagery here, Bei Dao adds in sound. The guitar mentioned in line 5 is a hint of sound, as it can also have deeper meaning Bei Dao continues his use of words to symbolize sounds su ch as whispers, etc. nd seems to get more serious in contrast to his pleasant tone from before. The new tactic where Bei Dao uses the addition of sound affects to his visual imagery creates a more in depth and less constrained opinion based on the people and the Maoist society in retrospect, the peoples opinions towards the Maoist society as they seem to be speaking up for themselves after being suppressed for so long.This is caught as Bei Dao uses more powerful imagery, tying in both imaging and sound i. e. begins to sound in the darkness, darkness merely representing the suppression of the people, and begins to sound to emphasize that his encounter with all these people have shown him something different, as they seem to be starting to stand up for themselves by sharing opinions, which by itself is going against this darkness.Subsequently/Next, Bei Dao gets more serious about the issue as he states like the masthead light reflected in water, the masthead light representing all th e people in China, and the reflected water being a mere representation of purity and innocence or a ripple affect, symbolize how all the people who are suppressed seem to realize their own rights and are slowly starting to rub off on one other as more and more people get influenced and start fighting for themselves and their own freedom and happiness. Notice, how drastic the change is from the beginning of the poems first five lines to the poems utmost(a) four lines.Although the first five lines of the poem is focused on the visual images that briefly gives its readers an understanding of what he, as a poet is trying to express in his own words, mind-set, and understanding towards society/things from his own experience one can see how the visual images tie in with sound, creating an even more dramatic and strong wound up effect, just like his encounters with people during the time of the Chinese revolution when China was a Maoist society where people were being forced into suppr ession.Bei Daos tactic and use of visual imagery ties in with sound to create and tell a story of what he had experienced, along with the millions of other Chinese, as he uses Recollection to represent not only himself who suffered, but all citizens. Here, Bei Dao uses the creativity, tone, language, trope and theme of this poem to emphasize and be a representative of all the people who were stuck in a Maoist society, as he states the peoples capacity for freedom and their uprising and realization that suppression is acknowledged, however not and will never be achieved.
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Book Review: ââ¬ÅMarley and Meââ¬Â by John Grogan
Marley and Me by tin Grogan its a touchingly, beautiful story about one of the worlds worst behaved dogs equal readers say. Its based on a real, exciting adventure in Grogan family having a dog. It is published by Wydawnictwo Pierwsze in 2006. The book is set nowadays in the USA and its written in unusual style. The main character are Marley the dog, and his owner who is also a narrator and a writer of this book. John Grogan is writing about his part of live when he used to live with Marley.The story starts a few months before he take Marley home and ends afterward Marleys death. Grogan is writing about many private moments from his family invigoration which are usually very funny but sometimes also pathetic. John Grogan is a journalist. He has a beautiful wife and a small house in South Florida. They have a ordinary, perfect life until they brought home Marley. Their life would never be the same. There is a lot of good thing in this book. The most important thing is the langua ge which its written its easy and funny.The humour and all unexpected situations are main advantages of the book. In The Birmingham News is writing Youll understand the gift that Marley was to this family Grogan has crafted a loving but unsentimental memory of his dog and what he meant to him, his wife and his children. And thats his gift to us. I completely agree with it. The book is certainly worth reading. Its shows real emotions and a supererogatory relationship with the dog and his owner. Marley learn us how to catch every day, how to love and how to be happy. You should understand that gift.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Collecting Cartoon Models
Collecting cartoon rides One of my preferred hobby I enjoy is collecting cartoon models. Collecting cartoon models is an important thing in my life. I like plastic model and come in pieces, I have to range them together. Plastic model is easier to save, this is why I dont like glass models. I roll in the hay model is in my old school. If I like a cartoon I depart collect a model of it. I have spent a compulsion clipping collecting models. I started to collect models when I was 12 years-old. well-nigh my primary school there is a model shop, where you can see many types of models. The proprietor has more than 3000 models in the shop beca occasion he likes models too.He is my friend now. My kickoff model was bought in this shop. I bought a small size, its not expensive, but that is my favorite one. E real models I will spend a potty of times to search it, which standing is my favorite, which size is the best one. If I want subvert a model, maybe I will prepare a long tim e. For example, I tell apart Doraemon, he look like a blue cat, but no ears, because a mouse ate his ears, he is a robot. He has a younger sister, and he has many friends, the best one names Da Xiong, is Doraemons owner, he is very timid boy, but Doraemon of all time help him.I have more than hundred models about this cartoon, I have Da Xiong, Jing Xiang, twinge Hu, Xiao Fu, and Doraemons younger sister Dorami. My mother knows this hobby when I am 14 years-old, because I told her I want bought a display case, so I have a very big display case, its a glass one. The case has 7 shelves, it is tall than me, I think it can throw 6 individual like me in my display case, it is very big. I put my models in the display case, it must be very conservatively. Because if you not carefully the models maybe will break or tack their standing.Collecting models is mutation thing to do, it is interesting for me. I like to congregation them by myself. It makes me happy and calm, the reason is be cause I need pay attention when I do it. When you bring together models and at the same time you try to do another thing, your models maybe cant do like you want, you will have error, and make your models break. I have more than a thousand models, the biggest one is tall 115cm, like a person the middle size needs more time to assembly them, because the middle size is easier than other ize to assembly it, they are the most complex and the smallest size, you can put them on desk or car dashboard. I can change models color or standing, some models you can paint them by yourself, when you buy the models, in the packing box maybe they leave you tools to paint. I like paint my models, but I am not a good painter. Collecting cartoon models is a fun hobby for me, I really enjoy it, its not easy for a beginner. If you just a beginner, maybe you dont know how to deal some part, which part put together and use which color. That is a big problem.But when you start to assembly models, I am s ure you will love it, because you accomplish a model by yourself, it can give you a chance to help you build your confidence, maybe you will say, Look I am the winner, I can complete it by myself If you want buy a model you like, you need search for them in many model stores, because at that time, model isnt very popular in China, you need posit other and find the model stores, maybe the shop is in some small road, you may spend a lot of time searching for models and the way, if you want to have as many models as me. But its still fun for me by and by all these years. picCollecting Cartoon ModelsCollecting cartoon models One of my favorite hobby I enjoy is collecting cartoon models. Collecting cartoon models is an important thing in my life. I like plastic model and come in pieces, I have to put them together. Plastic model is easier to save, this is why I dont like glass models. I know model is in my primary school. If I like a cartoon I will collect a model of it. I have spent a long time collecting models. I started to collect models when I was 12 years-old. Near my primary school there is a model shop, where you can see many types of models. The owner has more than 3000 models in the shop because he likes models too.He is my friend now. My first model was bought in this shop. I bought a small size, its not expensive, but that is my favorite one. Every models I will spend a lot of times to search it, which standing is my favorite, which size is the best one. If I want buy a model, maybe I will prepare a long time. For example, I love Doraemon, he look like a blue cat, but no ears, because a mouse ate his ears, he is a robot. He has a younger sister, and he has many friends, the best one names Da Xiong, is Doraemons owner, he is very timid boy, but Doraemon always help him.I have more than hundred models about this cartoon, I have Da Xiong, Jing Xiang, Pang Hu, Xiao Fu, and Doraemons younger sister Dorami. My mother knows this hobby when I am 14 years-old , because I told her I want bought a display case, so I have a very big display case, its a glass one. The case has 7 shelves, it is tall than me, I think it can put 6 person like me in my display case, it is very big. I put my models in the display case, it must be very carefully. Because if you not carefully the models maybe will break or change their standing.Collecting models is fun thing to do, it is interesting for me. I like to assembly them by myself. It makes me happy and calm, the reason is because I need pay attention when I do it. When you assembling models and at the same time you try to do another thing, your models maybe cant do like you want, you will have error, and make your models break. I have more than a thousand models, the biggest one is tall 115cm, like a person the middle size needs more time to assembly them, because the middle size is easier than other ize to assembly it, they are the most complex and the smallest size, you can put them on desk or car dash board. I can change models color or standing, some models you can paint them by yourself, when you buy the models, in the packing box maybe they give you tools to paint. I like paint my models, but I am not a good painter. Collecting cartoon models is a fun hobby for me, I really enjoy it, its not easy for a beginner. If you just a beginner, maybe you dont know how to deal some part, which part put together and use which color. That is a big problem.But when you start to assembly models, I am sure you will love it, because you accomplish a model by yourself, it can give you a chance to help you build your confidence, maybe you will say, Look I am the winner, I can complete it by myself If you want buy a model you like, you need search for them in many model stores, because at that time, model isnt very popular in China, you need ask other and find the model stores, maybe the shop is in some small road, you may spend a lot of time searching for models and the way, if you want to hav e as many models as me. But its still fun for me after all these years. pic
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The sun’s ray’s play on my face – Creative Writing
The suns rays play on my face, I manage to open my eyes and see the house bathed in a syndicate of light, making the old houses white walls glow. Between the walls, the windows with their mysterious sheen give the patina of age, mulling the whole house. It has a rustic feel about it with a few pieces of outdoor(a) furniture made by a skilled craftsman many years ago. It is an old white house with a red roof and a large porch from where lots of sunflowers in their vessels smile at the sun. Looking through the windows made utterly impossible with the glorious mornings sunlight.The garden seems heavenly, with its extraordinary colours and vibrancy. The suns rays reflect of the flowing water of the stream alongside the river, almost painful to look at if it werent for its rare beauty. The aroma of flowers and various strange plants waft through the channelize creating a summer feel. In the painted pots, geraniums enchant my sight with a large palette of colours, creating a peaceful f eeling.The sun is up in the savoury sky, birds are singing on the trees and the air is filled with the fragrance of the flowers. The little pathway leading up to the house is very quaint with its meandering pave formation, its tiny gate and the fences surrounding them. I glide my fingers all over the front of the door, feeling every fine texture and ripple of the mature oak.I recurrence to the house deep into the evening. The sun finally let way for the moon and in doing so has changed the sense of the house entirely. Its small gate and fences reassure me that it is the identical house yet so much seems altered in some way. The bright sparkling blue stream running down the garden had construct a dark mysterious crawling creature.The house is now purple with moonlight tainting the beautiful white that it previously was. The furnitures silhouettes show malformed figures watching over the garden. Furthermore, the sunflowers appear as scarecrows with their tall thin body and wide spanned leaves imitating the arms. The moonlight has jaded the houses rustic charm and made it an object of unsettling nature.The garden has also been distorted with its lack of colour and texture, everything seemingly taking a troublesome form in its silhouette status. The once beatiful smeel of plants has now been frozen out by the tremble of the air. The beams of sunlight stupefy vanished, replaced with the dull smolder of the moon catching everything in its wake and not allowing even a fragment of colour to reach my eye. The bees and the birds have left and with that comes the sinister silence of the shadowy darkness. The dim snake that was the pathway curls and coils its way to the doorway where I had once stood, nonetheless the house seems unrecognisable without the colours, sounds and smells that once made it such a special place.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Ethical theories Essay
There are five types of ethical theories 1. Teleological theory of ethics 2. Deontological theory 3. celibacy ethics 4. Justice as fairness 5. FeminismThe teleological theory examines the consequences in terms of pleasure and distressingness, which is termed as Utilitarianism. According to this theory, our obligation in whatsoever situation is to perform that action which will produce the greatest amount of good over evil. Under this theory, the ethical virtues such(prenominal) as being simple or non lying are not obligatory. Utilitarian morality compels you to do only those particular acts which bring out good results only.For instance, consider a situation where telling the truth can break someones heart or hurt his/her feelings then in the twinkle of this theory, lying is snap off than honesty. One of the fundamental characteristics of utilitarianism is universalism which talks about the pleasure of everyone, rather than benefitting your declare self only. The two versions of utilitarianism have evolved from these conditions, act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism. The two great philosophers, Jeremy Bentham and Stuart Mill presented their views in the light of this theory.Bentham proposed the act-utilitarianism theory and said An action is right if it produces greatest amount of pleasure over pain for everyone However, this statement was greatly opposed by many critics since they termed it as a pig philosophy. Critics complained that pleasure alone can not constitute the good for human beings because even pigs are capable of attaining pleasure from their own bodies so it would be better to live the life of a satisfied pig rather than being a dissatisfied human being such as Socrates.Seeing these objections, Stuart Mill supported the utilitarianism gave the idea of act-utilitarianism by giving his view that an action is right if it produces greatest amount of pleasure over pain by following certain moral rules. Mill said that a person should go fo r qualitative pleasure rather than quantitative pleasure. Mill besides defended the accusation of pig philosophy on Bentham by giving his views that human beings are able to enjoy the higher levels of pleasure than swine. Human beings can interestingness pleasure in the form of intellectual arts and other such activities.Hence, Mill categorized pleasure in higher and lower forms of pleasure. Rule-utilitarianism emphasized enormously on morality and social obligations, which in fact, are the problems of all teleological theories. Concluding the discussion now, the best theory is the rule-utilitarianism as compared to act-utilitarianism theory because one does not need to calculate the amount of pleasure and pain before performing any deed. Instead, it provides the basic grounds of morality and goodness for doing any action.
Monday, May 20, 2019
TABLE OF CONTENTS1. bearing22. SCOPE23. REFERENCES24. TERMS, DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS35. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY36. RECORD & DATA KEEPING37. DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY38. addition MANAGEMENT DEFINITION49. STAKEHOLDERS410. statutory REQUIREMENTS411. ASSET MANAGEMENT QUALITY FRAMEWORK512. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES513. ASSET MANAGEMENT returns PROCESS1014. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT1115. ASSET MANAGEMENT musical arrangement COMPONENTS1116.CONCLUSION18 LIST OF FIGURES portend 21 Scope of summation wariness Framepiece of work (PAS55)2 Figure 121 Rand piddle add up and Purification schemes6 Figure 122 addition worry blueprints7 Figure 123 addition counseling supply and direction Structure8 Figure 124 Organogram9 Figure 151 addition focus governance Components12 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this entry is to provide a fabric for the adoption and performance of addition counsel for Rand water systems physical summation portfolio. 2. SCOPEThis modeling applies to physical pluss associated with production infrastructure chthonic the jurisdiction of Rand piddle. summations populate of buildings and property, pipelines, civil structures, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment water treatment swear appear plants, and automation equipment. It excludes human pluss, pecuniary summations, selective info pluss, intangible pluss, and movable equipment. Figure 21 Scope of asset focus Framework (PAS55) 3. REFERENCES The by-line documents must be read in conjunction with this Framework. Document Title Document No. Location gradation Management System Requirements ISO 90012000 RW depository library surroundingsal Management System Requirements ISO140012004 RW library Occupational health and preventative Act and Regulations OHS Act (85 of 1993) RW Library Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series OHSAS 180012007 RW Library foreign Infrastructure Management Manual southward Africa Ed ition 2006 ISBN No0-473-10685-X RW Library plus Management straggle 1 Specification for the optimized wariness of pluss BSI PAS 55-12008 RW Library summation Management Part 2 Guidelines for the performance of PAS 55-1 BSI PAS 55-22008 RW Library Rand pee strategicalal plus Management transition Guides Know Your Assets RW SAM 60001 BPM SIS RW Library 4. TERMS, DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS These ar terms employ in the agreement & are unique to the company terminology, business and culture. AMAsset ManagementAMFAsset Management Framework AMPAsset Management Plan KPIKey Performance Indicators O&MOperations and care R&DResearch and Development RWRand Water SAMStrategic Asset Management 5. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY The Chief Executive is accountable and Portfolio Heads are responsible for the implementation of Asset Management in RW. The General Manager Strategic Asset Management is responsible for the implementation of Strategic Asset Management with regards to produ ction infrastructure under the jurisdiction of Rand Water. 6. RECORD & DATA KEEPING disgrace Document Form/Doc Number Location Retention Period 7. DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORYThe sideline table contains the history of this document with a description of apiece revision. Date Previous revision modus operandi New revision number Description of each revision 23 Sep 2010 N/A 0 First draft 17 Nov 2010 0 A Second draft 10 decline 2010 a B Third draft 17 Feb 2011 b C Fourth draft 9 Mar 2011 c D Fifth draft 8. ASSET MANAGEMENT DEFINITION The following comment for asset precaution is adopted, base on PAS 55 Asset Management is the systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which Rand Water surpassly manages its assets, their associated performance, risks and expenditures over their life cycle per second for the purpose of achieving its organizational strategic plan. 9. STAKEHOLDERSThe following stakeholders are relevant to asset prudence * nodes who purchase water from Rand Water * Suppliers and attend providers * Government * Standards authorities and * Auditor General of South Africa. 10. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The following legislation and regulation are relevant Annual Financial Statements are call for to be prepared in compliance with the South Afri house Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting formula (SA GAAP), the Water operate Act No 108 of 1997, Companies Act No 61 of 1973, and the Public Finance Management Act No 1 of 1999 as amended. The Constitution (and its amendments) secures the right of every Citizen to sufficient waterThe Water Act find outs that everyone has access to water, water resources are conserved, protected and managed, proper water resource supplying takes place, the address of managing and maturation the resource is addressed and that water resource institutions are established. The Water Services Act defines the rights to underlying water supply, the setting of national standards and norms, wa ter services planning, regulation of water services, establishment of water boards, the monitor of water service provision and the promotion of effective water resource steering and conservation. The Water Services Act is supported by the Strategic Framework for Water Services which sets out an implementation framework for the Act and gives effect to the regulation of water services delivery.The principle objectives of the PFMA are to secure transparency, accountability, and sound guidance of the revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities of the institutions to which this Act applies. In terms of this Act, from an asset focussing perspective Rand Water is * responsible for the effective, efficient, economical and vapourous use of the resources of the de deviatement, trading entity or constitutional institution * responsible for the management, including the invulnerable-guarding and the tending of the assets, and for the management of the liabilities The Occupational Health a nd Safety Act (OHSA) (85 of 1993, Construction Regulations) state that the owner of any structure (incl. nfrastructure such as waterworks, buildings, waste pipe works and roads) to maintain such structure in a manner that the structure remains safe for act use and such maintenance records shall be kept and made available to an inspector for continued use. 11. ASSET MANAGEMENT QUALITY FRAMEWORK The development of an ISO Standard for Asset Management is shortly in progress. The ISO Standard development is being led by the British Standards Institute (BSI) as secretariat and in that location are 22 countries participating and 14 countries observing. South Africa is participating with representation from the SABS. The ISO standard is expected to be effectuateed in late 2011. The final ISO standard is expected to be substantially reorient with the current PAS55 judicial admission for asset management, which has widespread adoption around the world by two public and private enter prises.Rand Water go forth adopt the PAS55 specification as an interim framework for the implementation of asset management until the launch of the ISO Quality Standard for Asset Management. Once the ISO Quality Standard has been launched, Rand Water outhouse evaluate the glob adoption of the Quality Standard in spite of appearance the organization. 12. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The strategic assets of Rand Water work together as one large system, for which custodianship is assigned to the Senior Manager Assets. However, the Rand Water assets can currently be split into 4 main supply systems and 2 main purification systems, on the rear of geography and function.The systems are the following * Eikenhof supplement System * Zwartkopjies Supply System * Palmiet Supply System * Mapleton Supply System * Vereeniging Purification System * Zuikerbosch Purification System These systems are shown in the figure below. Figure 121 Rand Water Supply and Purificat ion Systems The management objectives of the Supply Systems are somewhat diametric from the management objectives of the Purification Systems. The management objectives of the Supply Systems are focused on satisfying commercial customer service aims, managing current and upcoming user film, and managing water delivery including water conveyance, pumping, storing, and end user delivery control.The Purification System management objectives revolve around managing the purification of raw water to agreed quantity and quality service levels. tending(p) the vast magnitude of the assets under Rand Water control and the different management objectives, it is prudent to split the asset management planning responsibility according to the different supply systems and then roll these plans up into a consolidated Asset Management Plan (AMP) for the entire organization. This is shown schematically below. Eikenhof Supply System AMP Zwartkopjies Supply System AMP Palmiet Supply System AMP Mapl eton Supply System AMP Vereeniging Purification System AMP Zuikerbosch Purification System AMP Rand Water Consolidated AMP Figure 122 Asset Management PlansAlthough the management objectives and the planning are logically split according to the functional areas above, the technological expertise is asset type specific and cuts across the different functional areas. Seven areas of technical expertise have been determine below and a flesh out breakdown of assets is provided in Annexure A. 1. Buildings and Property 2. Civil Structures 3. Pipelines 4. Electrical Equipment 5. Mechanical Equipment 6. Process Plant and 7. Automation Equipment. In fix to effectively manage the asset portfolio, planning should done by functional area, with each functional area being assigned to one Asset Management Planner.The technical expertise of managing the assets is best arranged by asset group and should be headed by an Asset Manager. The Asset Management Planner should have expertise in planning and the primary management responsibility of developing and implementing Asset Management Plans for each Supply System. This includes defining service levels, forecasting demand, integration, optimised decision making, and developing abundant term financial plans. The Asset Manager should have a blotto technical background in design, renewal, and maintenance of the asset group and the primary management responsibility of optimally managing the lifecycle of the asset group, bearing in mind the priorities and constraints of each Supply System.This includes managing condition entropy collection, assessing asset risk, setting standards, and the development of maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. These two groups leave interact in a matrix structure as shown below. Figure 123 Asset Management Planning and Management Structure It should be noted that the Asset Managers help the Asset Management Planners develop the best asset management strategies to achieve the specific objec tives of the Supply System. For example, the dodging to manage pumps in a Supply System may be different from the strategy to manage pumps in a Purification System as the pumps pose different risks to the achievement of the management outcomes.Even between two different Supply Systems, similar pumps may have different strategies as they may pose different risks to each particular Supply System. The organogram under the Senior Manager Assets is shown below. Figure 124 Organogram There is substantial integration indispensable between all the units under the Senior Manager Assets to implement effective asset management practices. These interfaces will mature with the implementation of a structured asset management melioration impact. 13. 14. ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROCESS Rand Water is at the initiation stage of the implementation of asset management as a holistic practice across its structure.A new structure has been formed under a strategic asset manager and the mandate has been given for the structure to implement asset management best practice. The strategic asset manager now needs to proceed with the implementation work. The turn for the adoption of asset management within Rand Water follows the ascend advocated by PAS55 with additional guidance from the IIMM. The process starts with the development of an asset management constitution that is aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization. The policy then guides the development of an asset management strategy, which is a set of actions, to change asset management within the organization.The strategy needs to be implemented in a manner that develops internal capacity in the organization to execute the asset management practices as a part of everyday business. A process of improvement management then needs to be adopted to procure that the asset management capabilities are further developed and refined with time. The asset management strategy implementation will require substantial c hange management to raise the capability from awareness through to integration. The process is shown in the table below. Asset Management Policy Asset Management Strategy Strategy death penalty avail Management What is it? Broadly outlines how and why AM will be undertaken across the organization as a whole. Specifies actions to be undertaken to improve AM capability to achieve specific objectives. Implementation of the identified actions . around-the-clock refinement of the strategy and implementation of revised actions. Objective Provides the arrangingal foundation and mandate to undertake AM in a structured and coordinated manner. Develops a structured set of actions aimed at enabling AM within the agreement. Develops internal capability to implement and back up AM practices. Refines AM capabilities through continuous structured improvement management. Description * Organizational context, importance of AM * Organizational vision and goals and AM vision and goals * AM policies underpinning AM goals * Key performance measures for policies incl. imeframes * AM responsibilities and relationships * AM integration with business processes * Description of current practices * Description of call for practices to achieve AM vision and goals * appellative of the gap between current practices and future vision * Identification and description of strategies to close the gaps in a structured manner * Raising of awareness across the organization * Developing of technical understanding * Embedding of AM practices through application * Integration of AM practices to achieve multi-disciplinary AM benefits * optimisation of AM practices through refinement and enhancement * Innovation of new and best practices that deliver step changes rather than incremental change 15. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT The asset management strategy specifies the actions that need to be undertaken to develop, improve and embed asset management capacity within the organ ization in order to achieve the corporate objectives.The process of strategy development is to assess the organizations asset management system by means of an asset management practices audit, which compares the organizations current asset management practices against the requirements of PAS 55 and international best practice. The audit is made against the asset management system components that comprise asset management within the organization. The identified best practice gaps are prioritized and programmed in an asset management strategy to carry improvement. Furthermore, the audit provides a benchmark to measure organizational improvement and maturity annually. 16. ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS The asset management system is a whole of life asset management framework that reflects the management and control level in the organization as well as the different stages of the asset lifecycle i. e. he system addresses the strategic, tactical and carrying into actional managemen t of the organization as well as the planning, implementation and asset care phases of the asset lifecycle. Note that the disposal stage is included under the asset care phase. The asset management system components illustrated below provide a high level structure for the strategy development. each(prenominal) component should be reviewed in detail to determine the level of maturity of current practices, the best appropriate maturity level, and to define the actions required to achieve best practice. The components are shown in the figure below and set forth in greater detail in the text that follows.FIGURE PROVIDED SEPARATELY Figure 151 Asset Management System Components Strategic Management Components Asset Management Policy and Strategy An Asset Management Policy is a description of an organisations approach to Asset Management. It provides both the link between the overall organisational strategic plan and an effective Asset Management Plan, and also provides the start of the rationale that eventual(prenominal)ly justifies every Asset Management activity the organisation undertakes. An Asset Management Strategy documents the organisations overall approach to managing physical assets. It describes how the Asset Management Policy is to be implemented.As such it needs to be closely aligned with that policy as well as linking to other associated higher level strategies (e. g. operational strategic plans and so forth ) Risk Management Policy A Risk Management Policy is a description of an organisations approach to Risk Management. It addresses the management of risk between the strategic, tactical and operational level of management and the linkages between these levels. It is closely aligned to the Asset Management Policy. Statutory Compliance Organisations must be large aware of the duties imposed under legal instruments for all of their activities and must experience its systems and procedures fully comply with the requirements.The organisation should have a system for identifying the laws and regulations applying to all activities involved with physical assets and to ensure its systems and procedures comply with the requirements. Organisational Alignment and lading Organizational alignment and commitment across the organization is essential for the achievementful implementation of asset management. The Asset Management Policy, Strategy, and Plans should be aligned with corporate objectives. The asset management strategy implementation should be overseen by a steering committee with representation by departments including finance, corporate, planning, maintenance, trading operations, and project management. Asset management information and plans should be widely available and used across the organization to inform strategic and tactical plans across the organization.A strong commitment to an asset management improvement process by senior executive management, backed by the availing of adequate resources to implement the proces s, has proved to be a significant determinant of asset management success and lead to the realisation of asset management benefits. Asset Management Structure and Responsibilities The definition of roles and responsibilities for the implementation of the Asset Management Strategy is necessary to ensure clarity of purpose and to manage interfaces between line functions. Asset management KPIs should strengthen the accountability towards the implementation of the strategy. Customer Service Level ManagementThe setting and management of Customer Service Levels have substantial influence on the Asset Management Plans, which have the objective of providing the desire level of service in the most price-effective manner (IIMM). The setting of Customer Service Levels should be undertaken in a consultative basis with customers and should reflect customer expectations. Improvement Actions and Management of Change Improvement actions and management of change are the combined processes, system s and procedures in place in an organisation to specifically incubate with corrective actions, preventive actions and continuous improvement actions. Financing StrategyThe financing strategy should quantify the total court of asset ownership and the funding needs for additional capacity, level of service changes, asset renewal, and maintenance and operations over a considerable term planning period (20 years). The furbish up on funding sources and obligation setting should be determined to manage the surplus/deficit and to maintain financial sustainability over the long term. Investment decision making should incorporate organizational risk and triple-bottom-line consequences in the analysis framework. Skills Enhancement and Management Skills Enhancement and Management refers to the processes utilised to manage personnel provision and development, along with staff retention systems. tactical Management Components Subgroup Planning Demand ForecastingDemand forecasting is the es timation of the change in demand based on population and land use change within a long term planning view (20 years). Demand forecasts incorporate several demand influences including service level changes, pricing, customer types, and consumption trends. Several demand forecast scenarios are developed and associated risks are quantified. Failure Prediction (capacity) Capacity failure prediction is the evaluation of capacity against forecast demand to predict failure time and the associate risks thereof. Failure Prediction (condition) figure failure prediction is the prediction of asset decay and the associated risks of asset deterioration over time along with the dentification of appropriate asset strategies to manage the risks. Strategic victuals Planning The Strategic Maintenance Plan documents the move suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and efficacy of the Asset perplexity function by addressing formal compliance audits results, performance against KPIs, misadventure re sults, progress against previous management reviews, and plans for improvement. dependableness Engineering RAM analysis reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) analytic thinking provides organisational risk based assessments to highlight which assets are providing optimised return on investment and are being administered effectively at terminal cost.It involves understanding the concept of the three critical factors and how each affects the other. RAM can be applied at any point in the project lifecycle from concept to operation. However, it is most cost-effective at the early detailed design stage when the required operating parameters are known, equipment designs/vendors have been selected and engineering feedback from the RAM study can still be effectively and efficiently incorporated into the overall design. Asset Lifecycle Analysis Life cycle analysis involves the analysis of all cost associated with owning an asset. It is the sum of all recurring and non-recurrin g costs over the full life span of an asset or system.It includes the purchase price, installation cost, operating costs, maintenance and upgrade costs and the salvage value at the end of ownership or its useful life. Optimised finis Making Optimised Decision Making is the process of identifying and prioritising projects/interventions required to manage risks at optimal timing, along with multi-criteria prioritisation based on lifecycle cost and triple-bottom-line based consequence analysis. The decision making is integrated across service disciplines and functional areas to derive the optimal project/intervention program that results in the best investment for the organization. Investment AnalysisInvestment Analysis refers to the evaluation framework and financial analysis used to evaluate the viability of the investments and to inform investment decision making. Investment analysis includes financial modelling and the quantification of net present value, benefit-cost ratios, risk reduction benefits, societal benefits, etc. Asset Management Plan The Asset Management Plan informs the organization of how the assets will be managed over the long term (20 years) along with a short term implementation plan (5 years). The Asset Management Plan highlights the changes in demand, service levels, and asset condition along with the risks that these pose to the organization.It quantifies the long term funding needs and constraints and explains how the funding will be prioritised between the competing needs. It provides a prioritised short term (5 year) project/intervention program for implementation. It also incorporates the asset management improvement plan, which guides the organization on the practices to improve over the short term. Subgroup Implementation Lifecycle Design Optimisation Lifecycle Design Optimisation is the process of incorporating lifecycle analysis, maintenance strategy, and maintenance constraints into the design phase to ensure that infrastructure is knowing in a manner that minimises the long term lifecycle cost of asset ownership. Operational manners and equipOperational Readiness is a structured systemic process that is used to prepare for the project operational phase. It is used to ensure that new or modified assets or systems are able to commence operation in the desired and expected manner. It is an integrated, proactive, considered approach to projects that ensures that people are operationally ready, systems are operationally ready, and assets are operationally ready. Commissioning is an integral part of the Operational Readiness process that refers to the action of the testing, dynamic verification and acceptance plans for the assets to ensure the asset has been delivered to the required quality and performance criteria. Equipment StandardisationEquipment Standardisation describes the continual improvement method of reducing the cost of inventory and maintenance, by reducing instances of machinery, materials or spare parts that are one-off or stand-alone compared to others in use at a site. When equipment is standardised, one suite of spare parts can be used, and training for personnel is reduced, which in turn reduces overall maintenance cost. Subgroup Asset Care Maintenance Performance Management (KPIs) Performance metrics (KPIs) are measures of an organisations activities and performance and enable maintenance performance to be monitored against specific targets. Asset StrategiesAsset Strategy Development is the process to ensure that appropriate maintenance activities are performed with optimum effectiveness and efficiency to allow an organisation to achieve its business objectives at the lowest asset lifecycle cost. Failure Analysis and forerunner Cause Mitigation Failure Analysis and Root Cause Mitigation is the identification of potential dear(p) failures and mitigation of all possible root causes of such failures. Apollo Root Cause Analysis is an event-based problem work out te chnique widely used as a leading practice to identify failure modes and set up on the process. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) are reliableness based techniques and products that can be used to solve a wide range of reliability problems. Reliability Centred MaintenanceReliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) is a process that is used to determine what sort of maintenance needs to be carried out on any physical asset with a focus on preserving its system functions, rather than preserving the equipment. RCM is a logical, structured framework for determining the optimum mix of applicable and effective maintenance activities needed to sustain the desired level of operational reliability of systems and equipment while ensuring their safe and economical operation and support. External benchmarking Benchmarking is a continuous improvement tool that is used to achieve improved performance by measuring the organisation again st other organisations that are identified as exhibiting leading practice worldwide. SustainabilitySustainability is the evaluation of the environmental, economic and social impact of the assets and the extent to which the triple-bottom-line elements are incorporated in the organisations practices. Loss Mapping and Analysis solely organisations are working to get competitive returns from their investments in assets. The complexity in plants and equipment through process automation and technology has substantially increased the number of problems that can cause production problems. To identify the source of the problems which set up to major losses is a very important criterion to prioritise the process improvement projects. Maintenance/Operations Integration Maintenance/Operations Integration is a management principle with derivative actions, and is designed to combine the organisational functions of theOperations and Maintenance groups in order to become more effective and effici ent. Integration ensures that the human resources of both departments have a clear, common and collective purpose to improve the equipment performance, and subsequently the benefits to the business. Operational Risk Analysis (compliance, contingency plan, risk management) The Operational Risk Management (ORM) process is undertaken to identify and quantify risk photograph and then develop suitable strategies, plans and procedures to maximise its upside and minimise its downside exposures. Operational Management Components Subgroup Planning Planning Data Collection (condition, usage, risk)Planning data collection refers to the collection of information for planning purposes, which usually includes condition, usage, and risk data amongst other data. This information typically covers the entire asset group and is used to identify projects/interventions that need to be implemented over the planning horizon. Planning Information Management (condition, usage, risk, GIS) Planning Informati on Management refers to application of systems to manage planning information. Due to the different nature of planning and maintenance data, planning data typically does not reside is a CMMS, but rather resides within a GIS and planning database. Linkages between systems are important to allow the transfer of data for planning and analysis. Subgroup ImplementationMaterial and Contract Management (vendor reliability, material management) Vendor Reliability refers to the capacity and capability of a vendor (or group of vendors) to consistently supply goods and services to the client in a timely manner as per defined specifications and standards. Materials Management is the complete set of processes and procedures that are used to ensure that resources other than personnel, tools and equipment are readily available to support all maintenance activities. Subgroup Asset Care Maintenance Information Mgmt (CMMS) Maintenance Information Management entails acquiring, organising, maintaining and retrieving maintenance information.A Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a system to assist with the effective and efficient management of maintenance activities through the application of computer technology. It loosely includes elements such as a Work Order system, as well as facilities for scheduling second Maintenance Tasks, and recording and storing Standard Jobs, Bills of Materials and Applications Parts Lists, and other associated features. Maintenance Identification and Prioritisation Maintenance Identification is the process of defining what needs to be done to an existing asset to either ensure it remains in a state whereby it can perform its stated function, or can be efficiently returned to such a state.Maintenance Prioritisation is the process of determining a ranking or rating for a defined total of work, based on an objective assessment of the importance of the work, in terms of the impact failure of the asset would have. Asset Criticality can b e incorporated during this prioritisation process. Preventative Maintenance (inspections, work management) Preventive Maintenance is the systematic care, servicing and inspection of equipment for the purpose of maintaining it in serviceable condition and detecting and eliminating failure modes. The ultimate goal of doing preventive maintenance is to keep the equipment running to its required function and operational standard. Work management covers all procedures that are followed to ensure that maintenance work is carried out in an efficient and effective manner.Work execution procedures are usually enacted by maintenance supervisors or coordinators and apply to work being done under the authority of properly planned and scheduled work orders. Planning and Scheduling (budgeting, short and medium-term planning, scheduling) Maintenance planning and scheduling includes the budgeting, planning and scheduling of equipment maintenance strategies to ensure that activities are performed wi th optimum effectiveness and efficiency. Health, Safety and Environment Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) management encompasses the systems and procedures that are adopted to reduce the risk of causing ill-treat to people and the environment that may be associated with the way in which maintenance activities are carried out. Condition establish MaintenanceCondition Based Maintenance is an equipment maintenance strategy based on measuring the condition of equipment in order to assess whether it will fail during some future period, and then taking appropriate action to vitiate the consequences of that failure. The condition of equipment could be monitored using Condition Monitoring, Statistical Process Control techniques, by monitoring equipment performance, or through the use of the Human Senses. The terms Condition Based Maintenance, On-Condition Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance can be used interchangeably. Autonomous Maintenance Autonomous Maintenance refers to the man agement routine and minor maintenance of equipment without the need or requirement for intervention from a dedicated maintenance team. It is the running repairs and adjustments that can be performed by the operators, before, after and during the use of the machinery.To enable these tasks to be completed effectively, operators need to be trained in the types of adjustments and repairs they are expected to perform, and given a degree of ownership of the equipment. Autonomous maintenance relies heavily on training and education to be able to identify the difference between normal and abnormal operation of the equipment they are operating. Organizational Support Components Information Architecture and Business Process Information Architecture is the race of information and defines where and whom will be updating various data fields to ensure accurate information and accountability as it flows through various systems (GIS, CMMS, etc. ) Information flow mapping and allocating responsibil ity for data management increases the quality of the information.Business Process mapping identifies the process of tasks and responsibilities for the implementation of key processes in the business. 17. CONCLUSION This document provides a framework for the adoption of a structured approach to implement asset management best practice within Rand Water. The document clarifies the scope of asset management, identifies a quality framework to adopt, describes the high level structure and responsibilities, defines an improvement process, and defines the asset management system components that should be developed in the improvement process to implement a whole of life asset management approach within the organisation.The implementation process required to adopt and embed asset management practices in a structured manner is describe in this document and is the recommended way forward for Rand Water. Annexure AASSET PORTFOLIOS The following table lists a worldwide collection of Rand Waters Strategic Assets. The Assets of Rand Water can broadly be grouped into the following portfolios (in alphabetical order) Buildings and Property Civil Structures Pipelines and Servitudes Electrical Equipment Mechanical Equipment Process Plants Automation Equipment Access control lineage conditioning CarportsCCTVElectricsEngine Rooms Estates Farms Fencing Fire protection Furniture GardensHostels Houses Interior decorationIntruder detectionLandOffices Passive SecurityPavingPlant uildings SewageStoresWorkshops Encroachment equilibrate TanksBarrage structureBridgesCarbonation baysConditioning baysControl WorksCanal Engine RoomsFiltersForebayFlocculators OverflowsPlant structuresRailway sidingsReservoirsRoadsSediment tanksSumps Air valvesBreak pressure tanksConnectionsCulvertsDeviationsElectrolysisFlow controlIn-line filtersInner liningsIsolation valvesJunctionsMeter chambersNon-return valvesOuter coatingsPipe manufacture plantPipelinesPipeline protectionPressure controlProtectionScour chambersScour valvesServitudesSurveyTunnelsValve chambersWater hammer systemsWater lossesEncroachment BatteriesBattery chargersCablingControl desksControl panelsDistribution boardsEarthingElectricity supplyEmergency generatorsEnergy meteringEnergy managementHarmonic filtersHydro power LightingLightning protectionLV switchgearMimicsMinisubsMotor control centresMotorsMV switchgearPower factor correctionProtectionReticulationRing main unitsSubstationsTransformersUPSsVSDs / soft starters ActuatorsBlowersCompressorsConveyorsCranesCrushersDesludge bridgesDust extractionGatesPipeworkPressure vesselsPumpsValvesNon return valvesSteelworkThickenersSump pumpsVehiclesEarth moving AmmoniaCarbonationChlorineFerric ChlorideGAC filtrationLime burningLime slakingMembraneMilk of lime dosingOzonePoly ElectrolyteRWW treatmentSand filtrationSodium hypochloriteUltra violet lightChemical supplyChemical quality ArchestraCommunicationControl CentresControl schemesFlood controlFlow meteringHuman Machine Int erfacesInstrumentation PLCScadaInsql data historiansIndustrial networks Industrial serversIndustrial softwareSW variant controlTelemetryIntelligent control
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Mid-Term Notes
Midterm and concluding Review Pre-Media GRA 323 Final 70-80 questions employment think (folding dummies, lay yellow journalism jut outs, calculations) 25% of final mark Review WP. Of layplane and folding dummies Calculations how many a(prenominal) an(prenominal) plates- argue mainsheets- how many times through call forth. - Study * Media box Trim box art box * Preflight what it is * The spectacles for the stemma. * Four beas of preflighting colors * Trapping what it is why * 4 types of trapping over instill chock * Trapping distort the spark colourise dark diagnoses shape * Lightness mea certains through grey scale Separate colour comp * Trapping tolerance ? row dots * Job planning who does them what it is determine specs where do we start (we talk to bindery) * Bindery con lieurations * Press con nerveration work, deceptions enough units * Press sheet size of it * Job specs double stop consonant * Basic steps to good craft planning * prevarication signatu re, scalawags, forms where do we conduct the to the lowest degree space non inevitable * Know EACH IMPOSITION STYPE * Head orientations * Number up, material body place * change surface dummy, laysheet plan * One laysheet plan for every form * Kodak Preps (part of a workflow) Preps signature imposition * Prep job persevere list placeholder not homogeneous a printegy there ar different sends * Preps label, text marks variable selective information - - Lectures week 1-6 Notes workweek 2 Preflighting I Preflighting Introduction & Manual * Preflighting is not always d unity by hotshot person. * The client can fix it as well * Press errors include trapping, too many colours, etc * Fonts are still the biggest problems regarding pre-flight because of the different types of fonts there are.DO NOT USE CITY FONTS. Manual & Software back up * You should change the size / crop the image in Photoshop, so that its size-as in inDesign. * Do not use . gif images, and you can sort of get away with . jpg but it is not advised. * Link every image, and make sure its updated. * For vectors, you should stick with . ai, . pdf, . eps. * Less editable Week 6 Imposition I * What is imposition? Its the placement of the pages so when I fold the press sheet it creates a book with the least totality of work. * Minimize waste, maximize press sheet. * Passes Can we do it in one job? Make sure you always communicate with bindery because they technically determine how the job should be handled. * Signature Double-sided sheet meant to be folded hatful. * approximately 5 common styles of imposition * Sheet unused / Sheetwork (SW) * Perfecting * Work & Turn * Work & Tumble/Flop * flatwork * found one side of a signature * Page/Folio one page adept side of a page or story. * Sheet One piece of substrate * 1-up/out One batch of sheet makes one final product. * Tumble flips the sheet over. * Must cut paper onward opinion for perfect size.Make sure the length of the sheet is the same on all sheets to ensure proper registration. * Flatwork is a job that does not require any sheet work. It is usually a single sided sheet. Imposition Styles Sheetwork * Most Common Layout * Different Plates readys for front and back forms * Requires two side guides, maintains same side guides * blend edge never changes * 1 up/ 1out * back talk and QC Bar are always opposite of gripper * Uses one set of plates for both sides * Front and back pages on single plate * Lead edge does not change * Side guide CHANGE * 1 up/ 2 out * Uses one set of plates for both sides * One set of plates for both sides Side grippers remains same * Gripper edges changes * Sheet is cut in half after feeling and results in two identical signatures * Is considered sheetwork but sheet tumbles between units mistakable to work and tumble * devil sets of plate need * Side guides stay the same * In single pass sheet will tumble between units and print on both sides - research laboratory Notes D emos Lab 2 Document Construction Palettes * Separation Preview. Is a good tool for preflighting and running a diagnostics of your plates * Swatches. Delete the colors you are not using decreases file size * Info.Tells you the x,y and w x h * Links. Lets you know if your images are compatible with the file and allows you to update them Indesign * In inDesign, you must have the swatches and separation catch palette open. * Switch content to graphic or text. Photoshop Duo-tone. Gray scaled image. In Photoshop, you go to consider Mode Duotone. * BE CAREFUL OF THE COLOUR NAMES. It doesnt support . TIFF so stay with . psd * The ppi is an info palette, make sure the ppi matches to document output. * For the student directory you can have a color that looks kindred a cmyk BUT it cannot be a spot color.Lab 4 Trapping Demo What is Trapping? * Trapping is a prepress procedure that introduces areas of color into color separations. When printed, these areas obscure potential register erro rs * These errors are usually caused by the paper shifting or changing shape while it is printed, or by presses or plates that are out of register. * Trapping introduces corrective color elements to a printing job In the process of trapping, new elements are added to the color separations. When printed, these elements compensate for potential problems on the press. Types of Trapping Simple trapping elements are called spreads and chokes. Refer to Powerpoint * Two types of trapping Ink trapping for text, object trapping two colour objects that touch each other. * inDesign Preferences appearing of black. Make sure black is 100% and not rich black. Overprint fill Includes all the colour so it shows in all the plates. WE WANT TO OVERPRINT. * Theres attributes, separation preview, swatches palette. * Trapping is virtually the same in inDesign and Illustrator. * Overprint small black type Output Questions to ask before Preflighting 1. What are the specs of the job? * Safety * Bleed s * lpi * Size of document * Color process 4/cp or 2/cp * 2. are there any spot colors? If yes what are they? Preflighting Profile Preflight panel * Keep the button on. It check everything you do and detects any error while the file is still open * Define profiles.For the lpi you can perchance get away with 1. 5 x lpi instead of the 2 x lpi rule - After Mid-Term Lectures Week 8-12 Notes Week 8 Impositions High Folio and Low Folio. Low leaf consists of pages in the front half of a signature. High folio refers to the pages in the back half of the signature. * The dividing line is the center spread. 1/4 extra material on the back of the page or pages of an insert or signature needed on the institutionalise sew togetherer to pull open the piece. High folio is a reference to higher page rates in the back of the publication. These terms are applied almost exclusively to saddle stitch binding, where wire stitches are used to bind the magazine along its spine. * A lip is an extension of one side of the signature beyond the other side. In a high lip the high folio side extends beyond the low folio side of the signature. A low folio lip is precisely the opposite. Up, Out (e. g 1 up/ 1 out) How many of the same image up on a sheet (In this case 1 image), how many copies of each image you get out of the sheet when cut (in this case 1). Lead Edge/Trail Edge Lead edge is the edge of the sheet that enters the press first (gripper).The trail edge is the other end. Registration is tighter on the lead edge fold Dummies. Is essential a mock version of your actual book. It provides readers with a look of how the impositions will look like and whether the images on the page will work or not. * Folding dummies are an essential step in the proofing process. They can help you catch mistakes like misaligned text, bleeds that do not meet along the fold, and a number of other possible errors or miscalculations. A dummy helps plan the imposition Some important marks informat ion should be included on a dummy, like 1. Gripper edge 2.Side guide 3. Spine 4. Heads 5. Lip * Template numbers are always circled * Needs to be assembled for the correct binding method saddle stitch (inserting) vs. perfect binding (gathering) * weirdy is the shifting position of the page in a saddle-stitched bind. Creep moves the inside pages or signatures away from the spine. * Grindoff is the 1/8 (approx. ) that is removed along the spine of gathered signatures before perfect binding Laysheet Each side of a signature will have a laysheet plan (one for each set of plates) * Except for Work and Turn or Work and Tumble * When creating a laysheet, preserve in mind Plate gripper is NOT a part of the laysheet * Paper gripper allowance is * Do not forget Colour control bars (QC Bar) * Work & Tumble and Perfecting require extra * space on backup side (gripper) Week 9 Kodak Preps Imposition Templates * Preps XL Designed for on demand printing solutions * Preps Plus for the commercial printing industry and is the most widely used version around the gentlemans gentleman * Preps Pro designed for both of the above as well as web includes support for OPI, multi-section templates for magisterial more than one signatures on a press sheet, AppleScript as well as web harvest-home compensation.Preps is an industry leading imposotion softwar that can be used as a standalone application or as part of an advance workflow. * As a job is created, the job is previewed in real time. Zoom in on single pages or complete signatures, including marks. When you change a mark, or a page or a layouts properties, the preview instantly updates, providing an instant check for potential errors. * Use the SmartMarks Software gasconade to place marks or groups of marks on press sheets, and save them in templates. The marks are placed relative to the sheet size, gutter, or page (rather than static placement).SmartMarks automatically reposition and resize themselves when press sheet sizes c hange. * When a complex imposition is ready, you can print a report of the detailed job plan, for signoffs, or to include with the job ticket. Then output JDF information with the folding and cutting data, to speed up post press operations. Preps Templates. Contain collections of generic reusable signature for imppsing prep jobs. When you select and apply a signature from a template to a job preps flows the job pages through the signature framework to lift imposed outputs. Basic Preps TemplatePreps Signatures. Are like containers for signature each of which contain information about a specific press sheet size. * Each template has one binding style * Signature are added to preps job for creating your imposition file Preps Imposition. An imposition container is added to each preps signature that holds your instructions about how and where the pages are to be place on the press sheet. Impositions defined the number of pages in signature the final page size and the head orientation of pages. The template with signature and imposition defined preps job.A file is a staging terra firma for the final imposition. It combines input files and imposed signatures. It uses a run list to organize imposition pages. With outputting the template of preps we need to create a unpopulated adobe job ticket to use with the RIP. It does not have files or pages assigned to the imposition. Side Guide Marks (Bounce Mark). Indicates positioning of the side guides on press Text Marks. use to convey information about the job. It can be static or variable. Static. Is inunt at the time the electronic imposition is created and does not change Variable.Use predefined variables to represent certain text that will be extracted from the job at the time of output Week 10 Kodak Prinergy Originally developed in 1999 through a partnership between creo and Heidelberg It is connected to PDF native workflow it is a server-based solution accessed through client software Prinergy centralizes and comm ix processes for PDF Production Resources for fonts and images Normalize Preflight- similar to what we have already done Colour management and spot colours Tapping Optimize (image workflow OPI, resolution and colour spaces ImpositionsKodak Viural Proff * separates the files * imposed press sheet * RIPped dot proof * Week 11 Job planning and imposition Planning a job 1. Determine the max number of pages on a press sheet Take the max press size and divided this by the length and width of the page including bleeds Then take the max number out this equals the number of pages side to side multiply by two and you get the number of pages to a sheet 2. Break down jobs into signatures How many pages can be in each signature Max 8 pages for sheetwise and perfecting Max 4 pages for work and turn and work and tumbleThere are a total of 12 pages so, 8 pgs sheet wise and 1 4pg work and turn 3. Create fold and label dummies Folding dummies determine the imposition order 4. Create laysheet plans 5. Calculate number of press sheet plates and passes required Week 12 Imposition considerateness web offset About we Roll of continues paper * The principles are the same but the difference is you print on rolls * Print on both sides at once. * Print blanket to blanket * 10-15 000 impressions an hour * No gripper and no side guide. Because you feed the paper into the web press. * Run everything to the center of the web. Weed edge * Has blow on imposition * It is the workhorse of magazine printing. The way the job is run through a web press has an impact on the jobs imposition A Web Offset Press In line folder. The web is coming off printing units and gets folded in half. Planning a web job Limitations. Image length and the length of any cut off. Only one options to cut off sheet therefore it must be maximized. Web sheet The sheet length- or repeat length b. c its one circumference of the sheet length Where does the waste come from? Plate gripper and blanket gripper Web imposition Yo u cannot print a web twice
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Fight Club (Film) by David Fincher Essay
This confronting movie casts the brilliant Edward Norton and the extremely popular Brad Pitt as they team together to bring the public one of the strikingest suspense movies of all in all time. Norton plays varlet, a middle-aged man, who isnt sure what his purpose for subsisting is any more and Pitt plays Tyler Durden, a soap salesman, who has come to the aforesaid(prenominal) actualisation more or less life.Directed by David Fincher, written for the screen by Jim Uhls, and based on the acclaimed novel by ditch Palahniuk, stir inn is a powerful film, which f accustoms the highly sensitive issues that haunt its frustrated and confused admirer with the visual representations of his custodytal states.It all bring downs when jack becomes so frustrated with his life that he just disregardt take it any longer. For his entire life, the media has painted a glorious image of wealthiness for eeryone and has do e preciseone believe that they would be rich and famous eventually , while in fact they werent. Flooding society with more useless products and making them slaves to their own needs, jackfruit tree realizes that it is all just a joke.Under the realization of this, Jack searches for a look to find untried excitement forward from the material world. He starts to regard numerous support groups for fuckingcer victims and other diseases. This is where he meets Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), a middle-aged cleaning woman who is as well as going through the corresponding thing as he is. Together these seem to be the just places for them to find real emotions, and to be able to express their own emotions at the same time.One twenty-four hour period while on an airplane, Jack meets Tyler Durden. While talking with Tyler, Jack notices that they pay the same exact suitcase along with umpteen other things in common. Tyler gives Jack his business card and tells him to call if he ever needs anything.When Jack returns home, he finds that his en tire apartment has been blown to pieces. With nowhere to go, he takes verboten Tylers business card and proceeds to call him. Tyler comes to Jacks rescue and the two begin living together in an old run-down house. One night outside a bar, confused in their frustration of the world, they begin hitting each other for the pure excitement and adrena phone line rush.After much(prenominal) thinking, Tyler has made up his mind about society and has created his own beliefs. He opposes all material wealth and lives for the moment, unafraid of pain or death. Slowly he teaches Jack these traits as well, as they now begin to build Fight Club, an underground association where equally frustrated men can take out their emotions by fighting with one another. Soon many Fight Clubs spring up across the hoidenish and Tyler is hailed as a celebrity among the members.With Fight Clubs popularity increasing, Tylers plans become much larger and he establishes Project Mayhem, his plan to destroy the ma terial world. He recruits an army of equally powe reddish men and goes on a spree to destroy all signs of materialism he sees. While watching the havoc Tyler has created, Jack becomes disturbed by the idiocy of the followers and the violent acts they be committing. He wants to put an leftoer to the insanity, only if without Tyler he cant stop it, and Tyler is nowhere to be comprise.With Tyler now missing, Jack begins travelling from city to city in search of Tyler. When asking raft if they know Tyler Durden, he is given the same answer all over and over Yes sir, youre Tyler Durden. Jack finally comes to the conclusion that he and Tyler are the same soulfulness. Tyler is simply a figment of Jacks imagination. Tyler is everything that Jack wishes he could be. He looks how he wants to look. He acts how he wants to act. He is Tyler Durden.This movie combines great action sequences, romance, and suspense all rolled up into one. The great casting of Edward Norton and Brad Pitt gi ve the movie just the right amount of masculinity it needs.How the composer creates meaningThe composer creates a chilling setting, which is familiar and stereotypically American with its high-tech arts, also with fast and crisp movement of tv photographic camera angles to learn some extraordinary effects. The composer also used lighting to create meaning. The lab in which Jack was academic session down which we witness in the fast and crisp movement of camera shots, had very dark and modify colours. The music also rolled along to help create this setting, which is very important in spite of appearance the film.The film director David Fincher utilizes a number of techniques to present his ideas of reposition. The film opens with voice-over from our lead somebodyality Jack, played by Edward Norton. He hasnt slept in months and its beginning to take a toll on his sanity. He finally finds disoblige from his troubles by going to support groups for people with various diseases testicular cancer, bowel disease, etc. where he finds license in pretending hes a survivor, that he has nothing to lose. Thus, it also represents a new foundation as a result suggesting a substitute in Jacks lifestyle. by dint of the share Jack the composer is also able to create meaning. Here we see that through zoom and close-up camera angles the composer shows a multifariousness in the behaviour of Jack. It becomes evident that after bearing in mind fit of his apartment, he becomes astound and through the facial expressions we see that he is discontented. The smile that was witnessed prior to this terrible catastrophe has mislaid as a consequence symbolizing a assortment in his attitude and his recognition of the slight civilization.The composer also creates meaning, through the use of Jacks lifestyle. In this motion picture the main character Jack, changes his lifestyle through suicide rather than self-development. The composer has done this to show that there is mor e than one way to change, that change does not always have to occur in a positive way. This is one of the near important themes running through the movie.Fight Club a movie about the change within one mans life, Jack, with the help of his friend Tyler, who is actually a creation of Jacks mind. Jack breaks out from all of societies conventions and this leads to the many changes in his life.Jacks changes are made all the more significant through the use of colours. Before Jacks enlightenment all the colours used are dull blue-greys. The camera angles are narrow and focused. This creates a tone of monotony and boredom. Later, the scenes become brighter and colours are powerfully contrasted. numerous of the scenes take place at night with neon lights in the background with contrast with the bright red leather jacket worn by Tyler throughout much of the film to create an exciting, almost surrealistic element to the scene. The camera angles become wider, reflecting Jacks broader persp ective of life.A further structural device used by David Fincher is to allude to Jacks earlier life. One example is when he receives a phone-call from the detective looking into the explosion of his house. Jack responds to his questions by discussing how much the things in his apartment meant to him, how they were part of his identity. When the phone-call is over he says, I would like to thank the academy. From this statement, it is obvious that he looks back on his former lifestyle with contempt.From this film we can see how difficult it can be for one to move to another access of perception when everything around them reinforces the accepted view of the world. It is easy to accept everything that is occurring and live in denial without ever-changing. Jack would not have been able to escape from the media induced, corporate driven life that he led if his brilliance had not created Tyler Durden.In Fight Club we see there are many reasons for people to film not to change. The ris k may seem too high. It might be hard work. There is a difference of the security a person has when he or she is in familiar territory where everything is cognise to them. Even when the opportunity stares at them right in their faces they refuse to take it. In the movie, we see Jack struggling at first with quitting his ikea-guy life but is soon able to boldly step away from the illusions that held him.Explanation of how the text links to both a text from the Stimulus Booklet and the play outClearly, change brings consequences. These consequences can vary in importance and significance they can be beneficial, detrimental or even impartial. Change, its impact on self and the resulting consequences, which it inevitably brings, is an issue explored by many composers in a variety of texts. Change is the process of be made different.Change can be caused by anything much(prenominal) as time, birth, death, people and fighting The concept of changing self and its significance to the in dividual is explored in a number of texts including the play Away written by Michael Gow, Sky highschool by Hannah Roberts (BOS Changing) and the film Fight Club by David Fincher. All these texts symbolise change in a variety of ways. To show the consequences of change composers have used a number of techniques in terms of language, imagery, contrast and repetition.This film Fight Club deals with the approach in which we transform ourselves. In this film Jack transforms his standard of living through self-destruction to assertion self-development. The director David Fincher has fulfilled this to exemplify that the things we own, actually end up owing us. The change occurs when Tyler opens the access for him to amend. Unfortunately, Tyler becomes too powerful. This shows the rituals of both sides.Allusions is a structural device used by the director Fincher to contrast the Jack-then to the Jack-now, eternally making references to his earlier life presented at the beginning of the film. An example of this is when Jack is living in the destruct house he often receives calls from a Detective Stern from the arson unit, inquiring about his unmake condo or feeding him information about it (the police suspect he did it to claim insurance). Jack often replies by talking about how much the things in his condo meant to him and how they were a part of his identity. When the phone-call is over he says I would like to thank the academy. From this statement it is obvious that he looked back on himself with contempt.The director shows that the choices that one makes during his or her life, defines the changes that would occur to them in the future. When one looks back at the decisions that they had to make, the difference in front the choice was made and after becomes quite obvious.Another aspect of change presented in the film is that change is often cyclic. As we make one decision, we are soon required to make further decisions and it is a never-ending cycle until the day we die. Therefore one never stops changing until their death.From this film we can see how complex it can be for one to move to another door of perception when everything around them reinforces the accepted view of the world. It is easy to accept everything that is occurring and live in denial without changing. Jack would not have been able to escape from the media induced, corporate driven life that he led if his brain had not created Tyler Durden. In link to Sky gritty by Hannah Roberts it demonstrates that responsibilities force a person to change, and that the change is not always optimistic, other than it has to be embraced for a character to established, and that although there is a change it is most doubtless not an end, but rather a progression.This text has contributed a great deal to my understanding of change. It helps us to see how difficult it can be to change ones lifestyle and to change their view of the world when it is strengthen as being the accepted view o f the world that we must adhere to, and sometimes it requires something as forceful as an imagined person to change that view. The other thing it has contributed is that there are many reasons for a person not to change, risk, too hard work or the loss of security in their new life, but once that change is made, the persons old lifestyle seems contemptibly inadequate.In Sky High by Hannah Roberts, it is not another person, which outlines a change in self of the persona, but an object (a clothesline) that triggers a memory from the personas youth. Personification of the clothesline, and its relation to the authors own change in self since her youth, is one technique incorporated by Roberts. When describing her and the clothesline in the first two paragraphs, we are given the phrases silver skeletal arms and smooth, sweat damp hands. Comparing this to age-warped washing line and hands, beginning to accumulatewrinkles one can see the dramatic realisation of the changed persona.Another representation of the changing influence of the clothesline is the descriptions of the hanging clothes. Where as in her youth the clothesline was festooned with socks and knickers and shirts like coloured flags in a secret code, Roberts now write(s) my own semaphore secrets in colourful t-shirts and mismatched sock. This suggests that as a child, the author thought that the clothes were hung out in secret code. Now as an adult she realises the ordinariness of the practice. The semaphore secrets that she writes as an adult expose to the reader the question if these are messages of unhappiness.The cashier utilizes an analogy to illustrate how responsibilities and social conventions limit a persons ability to follow urges. The source wants to fly as she did when she was young, but she is concerned that the conventions of her modern life will not allow her to do so. Remembering the minute details of the garden develops a nostalgic mood. This is so as a person remembers details such a s these if they treasure the memoriesSky high has contributed to my understanding of change by display that responsibilities force a person to change, and that the change is not always positive, but it has to be embraced for a character to mature, and that although there is a change it is most definitely not an end, but rather a process.On the surface Away by Michael Gow, may possibly appear like a simple narration about three families who take off for a spend. People are shown as going away, being pulled away, being washed away, walking away and so on. What is also stressed however is the act of recurring, regrowth and variety that results from their away experience.Away presents the concept of change as self-recognition and renewal through the portrayal of the key characters who move around from fear, isolation and delusion to an understanding and word sense of themselves and their relationships with others.Away is a short circuit though direct play, which deals with many va riations of change, each of which is a change of character or personality, which occurs as a realization as the events in the play, get through to them. A perfect example is Gwen, a middle-aged mother with the need to control. Her underground to change is of an attitude as her family suddenly becomes separate in reaction to her behaviour. The family is on a holiday and what was meant to be enjoyable, becomes a conflict which causes her daughter Meg to isolate herself from her. Gwen depicts this resistance to change with the importance of it. solely compare changing toothbrush to changing personality, which will have a resisting effect.Michael Gows play is very theatrical. While much of the dialogue is realistic, drawing on the idiom of the day, the storm and the appearance of the fairies break away from realism. Gow draws on the conventions of comedy and tragedy as the play moves from the comic to the tragic. Many of the characters appear as stereotypes found in comedy- the nagging wife, the henpecked husband, the pompous teacher, but as the play progresses these stereotypes are abandoned as the characters are confronted by the need for change. They become individuals capable of change.The composer exploit Language to provides a precious impend into the intelligences of the protagonists. Gwens continuous and tedious use of clichs creates her the parody of a middle-class housewife with high-toned aspirations. In the final act, mime plays a vital aim. It is the explicit lack of language here that provides the listening with a perceptive of the high level of self-awareness and imminent that is now shared by the protagonists.Perhaps the two most significant characters in Away who experiences the most profound changes are Gwen and Coral.* Gwen is one of the most important protagonists in the play. She changes from being a stress ridden control freak of a mother and wife to attack to an understanding of life and the fact that humans are not in control. The pla inest demonstration of this is the storm, which trashes her perfectly intend holiday. Note that in the stage directions, the fairies single Gwen out for particular attention in the storm. Gwen experiences an epiphany during the walk with Vic, presumably in reaction to the news that Tom is dying. She returns from the walk a changed woman, and it is she who stands and applauds Coral as she walks in foreign on the Shore.* Coral has lost her grip on reality. At the beginning she is a woman pervading grief at the death of her only son in the Vietnam War. In attempting to respond to her husband (Roys) supplication that she behaves normally, she enters a relationship with a young recently married man named (Rick). She than adopts the persona of the creative person on the beach, and it is Tom who recognises her as the headmasters wife. She achieves some kind of acceptance of life and loss through her performance in The Stranger on the Shore. (Im walking, Im walking represents a return to life). The walking becomes symbolic of Corals return to reality, her final acceptance of the death of her son who died in Vietnam. Tom is responsible for her healing. He determines Corals role in the play. In Act 5 scene 1 we see her reconciled with her husband Roy. These changes are represented dramatically in the play. Her situation in Away is symbolized by her role in the teeny-weeny play- when she walks at the end, she is retuning to life where she belongs.Opening on the last day of the school year in 1967 and stoppage on the first day of the next school year, the play spans only a few short weeks in the lives of its characters and yet their perspectives and understandings have changed radically over that time. Possibly the character who experiences the most philosophical change is Gwen. Through the intensity of the emotional conflict she encounters, she has had to acknowledge the inevitability of change in life and has familiarised her expectations accordingly. This change o f perception over time can be contrasted to the reminiscing of Hannah Robert, in her story Sky High, Text 3 in the Board of Studies Changing Booklet. Where the older narrator looks back on a lighter, less burdened childhood.The rewarding repercussions of confronting change and of living for the present have been highlighted by the texts I have studied which in turn delineate the integral nature of change in the lives of people and their relationships.
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